These 12 players plus the batboy signed the ball:
Johnnie Antonelli Mgr/ss Dave Bartosch outfield Joe Barbiera outfield
.Ray Zimmerman outfield George Valine infield Eddie Murphy infield
Stan Katkaveck catcher Woody Lalumondier catcher
Paul Price pitcher John Pavlige pitcher Jim Ronsiek pitcher
George Sauer pitcher Billy Wagster batboy
Recently I had opportunity to get possession of an autographed baseball from the 1937 Union City Greyhounds. It had been forgotten and locked in a guncase for all these years. Thanks to Mr. James Moore and Allen Jones of Tiptonville, TN it is being shared here.
The 1937 Union City Greyhounds. Back from left to right: Dave Bartosch, Eddie Murphy, George Sauer, Ray Zimmerman, Paul Price, Johnny Antonelli, mgr. Front, John Pavlige,Woody Lalumondiere, Joe Barbieri, George Valine, Stan Katkaveck, Jim Ronsieke, Cy Redifer. Batboy is Billy Wagster and the mascot is Fusion. The team had a 74-46 record and finished first during the season, but lost in the playoffs.